MILTON, FL - The Chair of the Santa Rosa County Democratic Party has made it clear that anti-Semitism has no place in Florida, and every Santa Rosa County resident should forcefully reject anti-Semitism wherever it exists. This week's public display of anti-Semitic remarks made by Santa Rosa County Commissioner, Sam Parker, is another wake-up call to all of us, that we must remain vigilant to protect our values and freedoms as Floridians.
This condemnation comes on the heels of store surveillance video which showed District 1 County Commissioner Sam Parker using anti-Jewish remarks with the cashier of General Rental Center, located on Highway 90 in Milton, FL. Commissioner Parker is heard saying he would have to "Jew you down" when discussing the cost of the equipment he was purchasing. Parker is also caught on tape suggesting that the equipment rental store could violate tax law if he paid under the table in cash.

While Parker later clarified that he was joking, his remarks have come under intense scrutiny by community leaders of Santa Rosa County. Parker is a supporter of raising the sales tax on our community; the very sale tax he was trying to avoid.
The former President gave a platform to extremists spewing hate speech and we continue to see the dangerous consequences of these acts make their way to the Santa Rosa County Commission.
"The Democratic Party is committed to protecting our diverse communities and will continue to lead the fight against racial, ethnic, and religious bigotry wherever it rears its ugly head.” - Christina Forrest, President of the Santa Rosa County Democratic Black Caucus.
While Parker has since apologized for his anti-Jewish remarks, he has yet to comment on using his position of power to allegedly request a small business in Milton to violate tax law. We demand an explanation for this abuse of power.