May 4, 2021
For Immediate Release Contact: Matt Becker (850) 396-1935

The Santa Rosa County Democratic Party condemns the racist remarks made by audience members and directed at School Board Member Wei Ueberschaer, as well as then defamatory slurs hurled at Superintendent Karen Barber, during the County School Board Meeting on May 3, 2021.
This kind of rhetoric is always unacceptable, but it is especially dangerous when Asian-American hate crimes are on the rise across the country. We cannot pretend that this is the behavior of frustrated parents caught up in the moment. We have seen this form of rhetoric before and it puts the lives of our students, our teachers, and our school board members at risk.
Our community deserves better. We witnessed true professionalism from Mrs. Ueberschaer and Dr. Barber as they continued their statements despite the defamatory remarks. But they should not have to endure that kind of treatment and we as a community cannot stay silent in the face of hateful, extremist rhetoric. We all have a responsibility to call out and denounce racism whenever and wherever we see it.
### The Santa Rosa County Democratic Party is charged with supporting the community, registering voters, and helping to elect Democratic candidates for local and statewide positions. Monthly business meetings are held at 6pm on the third Thursday of each month. For more information, contact our Chair Matt Becker at (850) 396-1935 or